Sunday, October 4, 2015

1st post

We are into day 4 of our Pilates and Planks for Pink 30 Day Challenge.  October 1st we kicked it off with a 20 second hold... then 25 seconds on the 2nd... 30 seconds on the 3rd... and now day four takes us to a 35 second hold. Take advantage of the first of our Plank Builder Mat Classes this Tuesday the 6th at 1:00 with Lisa. This class will be FREE to anyone participating in the challenge. Don't miss this great opportunity to get in some great Pilates Mat work and work on your planking skills.
You are growing stronger every day. Focus on a solid abdominal engagement and length and strength from head to heel. Modify to the knees is you need and remember...Everyone Starts Somewhere. We are going to take it slow and steady and strive for that 5 minute hold. Thanks for helping us support Triad Pink Heals and all they do for women of the Triad as they battle cancer.

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